Common shares of AIG closed at $27.14 on Friday, for a gain of $4.61 or 20.5%. Personally, I have my suspicions regarding the validity of AIG's claims, but I'm in no position to make an educated assessment, as I have not delved deeply into their financial statements and have no intention of doing so. I don't trade AIG and until recently I excluded major TARP recipients from my trading radar, as a matter of course. If investors want to take AIG at its word, it's their prerogative.
What I do have a serious problem with is the events of Wednesday, August 5. On Wednesday, AIG opened at $13.64 and rocketed to a close of $22, constituting a one day gain of 62%. The stock's volume was 134M shares compared to 7.9M on the previous day representing a 17x increase, as indicated in the following chart (red emphasis is mine):
While the prospect of a one day gain of 62% sounds lucrative, it's not. Relatively speaking, it's chump change compared to the returns provided by the derivatives markets (relative return rates are above each bar):
At the risk of appearing hyperventilatory, I believe that Occam's razor is readily applicable: AIG's 62% price runup on 8/5 can be attributed to the dissemination and systematic exploitation of insider information. The 1596% increase in volume clearly indicates that this can only involve large, institutional investors and that they are sufficiently secure in the SEC's impotence and the public's ignorance to make such a brazen move. Some might ask: Where are the cops? There aren't any and this is precisely the point that I'm trying to make. If you are trading in these markets, be aware of how far the House is willing to go press its advantage it and plan accordingly.
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