
Newsweek Gets It, Eventually

I suppose that late is better than never. On 3/21/09, Newsweek published a story regarding TARP recipients who made campaign contributions to Congress members after receiving bailout proceeds. I'd be shocked and outraged, had I not posted the same thing nearly a month prior: http://osrshortbus.blogspot.com/2009/02/i-bet-you-wont-hear-this-on-teevee.html.

Newsweek went on to state that lawmakers have temporarily ceased accepting TARP funded contributions, at least until it's been confirmed that the public is still braindead:

But House Democratic fundraisers have quietly passed the word that the party's campaign committee will resume accepting them [contributions]—but down the road, not right now. Said one fundraiser, who also requested anonymity, "These are treacherous waters."

It looks more like "treasonous waters" from here, although I'm sure this will fly under the radar, too.

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